Open Source in Israel

Name Repos
ACSL - Technion Accelerated Computing Systems Lab ( Technion ) 23
American Committee for Weizmann ( Weizmann Institute of Science ) 0
Aran Lab ( Technion ) 3
CEAR Lab - Technion ( Technion ) 14
Computer Systems Lab ( Technion ) 7
Distributed Algorithms, Networking and Secure Systems Group ( Hebrew University in Jerusalem - HUJI ) 2
eXplicit prosody lab ( Weizmann Institute of Science ) 2
Israel Cohen's Lab ( Technion ) 3
Kaplan Lab of Genome Structure & Function ( Technion ) 3
Machine Perception Group - Machine Vision and Learning research group ( Hebrew University in Jerusalem - HUJI ) 0
MTRL lab -Technion Institute of technology ( Technion ) 2
Neural Syntax Lab ( Weizmann Institute of Science ) 7
NLP ( Technion ) 3
NLP - Natural Language Processing lab ( Hebrew University in Jerusalem - HUJI ) 11
PeTeL Weizmann ( Weizmann Institute of Science ) 35
Py4Life - Python programming courses for biologists ( TAU - Tel Aviv University ) 5
Ronen Talmon's Lab ( Technion ) 3
Scalpel Lab - Technion ( Technion ) 0
SQC lab - Technion ( Technion ) 3
Technion's CS AVR Lab ( Technion ) 2
The Spoken Language Processing Research Lab (SLP-RL) ( Hebrew University in Jerusalem - HUJI ) 11
Weizmann Math ( Weizmann Institute of Science ) 3
Weizmann ML ( Weizmann Institute of Science ) 3
Weizmann Vision ( Weizmann Institute of Science ) 7
WIS-MICC-CellObservatory ( Weizmann Institute of Science ) 19
