Open Source in New Zealand

Name Repos
Auckland University of Technology ( Auckland University of Technology ) 2
AUT Ventures ( Auckland University of Technology ) 0
CMOR ( University of Otago ) 16
Computing and Mathematical Sciences, University of Waikato ( University of Waikato ) 30
Gardner BinfLab ( University of Otago ) 32
HAM-lab-Otago-University ( University of Otago ) 6
Kjaergaard Lab ( University of Otago ) 11
Lincoln University Library, Teaching, and Learning ( Lincoln University ) 3
Massey University (IT Services) ( Massey University ) 2
The University of Auckland ( University of Auckland ) 7
UCBioengineering ( University of Canterbury ) 3
University of Canterbury Computer Science Education Research ( University of Canterbury ) 31
University of Otago Information Science Database Papers ( University of Otago ) 0
University of Waikato - Data Mining ( University of Waikato ) 79
University of Waikato - UFDL ( University of Waikato ) 51
Victoria Engineering Club ( Victoria University of Wellington ) 9
Victoria University of Wellington ( Victoria University of Wellington ) 6
