Open Source by Universities

Name Repos
ACSL - Technion Accelerated Computing Systems Lab ( Technion ) 23
ADE Scheduler ( UClouvain ) 1
alelab-upenn ( University of Pennsylvania ) 5
American Committee for Weizmann ( Weizmann Institute of Science ) 0
Applied Geophysics Research ( Polytechnique Montreal ) 3
Aran Lab ( Technion ) 3
Auckland University of Technology ( Auckland University of Technology ) 2
Australian National Phenome Centre Data Management Group ( Murdoch University ) 120
Australian National University School of Computing - High Performance Computing Research ( Australian National University (ANU) ) 10
AUT Ventures ( Auckland University of Technology ) 0
beehive-lab ( The University of Manchester ) 39
bi labor ( BME - Budapest University of Technology and Economics ) 13
BME aut ( BME - Budapest University of Technology and Economics ) 46
BME FRT ( BME - Budapest University of Technology and Economics ) 5
BME kjit ( BME - Budapest University of Technology and Economics ) 3
BME traffic lab ( BME - Budapest University of Technology and Economics ) 3
calgaryml ( University of Calgary ) 4
cdlib ( UC Berkeley ) 73
CEAR Lab - Technion ( Technion ) 14
CERN ( CERN - European Organization for Nuclear Research ) 37
CERN DB ( CERN - European Organization for Nuclear Research ) 66
CERN FTS ( CERN - European Organization for Nuclear Research ) 26
CERN open Data ( CERN - European Organization for Nuclear Research ) 13
CERN ops ( CERN - European Organization for Nuclear Research ) 129
cernphsft ( CERN - European Organization for Nuclear Research ) 3
chan-csu ( CSU - Colorado State University ) 22
CMOR ( University of Otago ) 16
columbia-it ( Columbia University ) 4
columbia-university-robotics ( Columbia University ) 14
ColumbiaDVMM ( Columbia University ) 28
compsoc-edinburgh ( The University of Edinburgh ) 78
Computer Systems Lab ( Technion ) 7
Computing and Mathematical Sciences, University of Waikato ( University of Waikato ) 30
CSU-CompSci-CS163-4 ( CSU - Colorado State University ) 38
csu-library ( CSU - Colorado State University ) 4
csu-ricro ( CSU - Colorado State University ) 13
daniilidis-group ( University of Pennsylvania ) 35
datamllab ( Rice University ) 27
digital-culture-seminar ( LSU - Louisiana State University ) 13
Distributed Algorithms, Networking and Secure Systems Group ( Hebrew University in Jerusalem - HUJI ) 2
DSD SZTAKI ( Sztaki - Institute for Computer Science and Control ) 41
ease-lab ( The University of Edinburgh ) 28
Edinburgh Cancer Research UK Centre ( The University of Edinburgh ) 11
EdinburghNLP ( The University of Edinburgh ) 25
ELTE cnl ( ELTE Eötvös Loránd University ) 2
ELTE fi ( ELTE Eötvös Loránd University ) 10
ELTE vo ( ELTE Eötvös Loránd University ) 9
Emerson College 1
eniac ( University of Pennsylvania ) 35
eXplicit prosody lab ( Weizmann Institute of Science ) 2
fls-bioinformatics-core ( The University of Manchester ) 17
FOSSRIT ( RIT - Rochester Institute of Technology ) 163
FPGA-Research-Manchester ( The University of Manchester ) 20
Gardner BinfLab ( University of Otago ) 32
GeoSensorWebLab ( University of Calgary ) 66
GFD ANU ( Australian National University (ANU) ) 3
grasp-lyrl ( University of Pennsylvania ) 15
gwdg ( Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH Göttingen ) 163
gwdgls ( Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH Göttingen ) 3
HAM-lab-Otago-University ( University of Otago ) 6
Harvard ( Harvard ) 7
Harvard Library Innovation Laboratory ( Harvard ) 180
Harvard NLP (Cornell?) ( Harvard ) 55
Harvard-IACS ( Harvard ) 35
harvardinformatics ( Harvard ) 168
He* BEC ANU ( Australian National University (ANU) ) 10
icgrp ( University of Pennsylvania ) 23
indiana-university ( Indiana University ) 86
Institut für Informatik ( Freie Universität ) 5
ipab-slmc ( The University of Edinburgh ) 74
IQSS ( Harvard ) 170
Israel Cohen's Lab ( Technion ) 3
Kaplan Lab of Genome Structure & Function ( Technion ) 3
Keller lab ( Freie Universität ) 10
kemerelab ( Rice University ) 3
Kjaergaard Lab ( University of Otago ) 11
Lennon Lab ( Indiana University ) 127
Lincoln University Library, Teaching, and Learning ( Lincoln University ) 3
Machine Perception Group - Machine Vision and Learning research group ( Hebrew University in Jerusalem - HUJI ) 0
manchester-hyperloop ( The University of Manchester ) 3
Massey University (IT Services) ( Massey University ) 2
MichiganTech ( MTU - Michigan Tech ) 8
MIT ( MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology ) 1
mit acl ( MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology ) 48
mit dci ( MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology ) 63
MIT han lab ( MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology ) 51
MIT LCP ( MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology ) 80
MIT media lab ( MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology ) 497
MIT PDOS ( MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology ) 53
MIT SPARK ( MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology ) 64
mlab-upenn ( University of Pennsylvania ) 163
MTA SZTAKI ( Sztaki - Institute for Computer Science and Control ) 12
MTASZTAKI ( Sztaki - Institute for Computer Science and Control ) 3
MTRL lab -Technion Institute of technology ( Technion ) 2
MTU-IMES-LAB ( MTU - Michigan Tech ) 1
NCCProgramming ( Normandale Community College ) 3
Neural Syntax Lab ( Weizmann Institute of Science ) 7
NLP ( Technion ) 3
NLP - Natural Language Processing lab ( Hebrew University in Jerusalem - HUJI ) 11
NuiLab ( CSU - Colorado State University ) 45
Oxford Covid-19 Government Response Tracker ( University of Oxford ) 9
Oxford Dynamic Robot Systems Group ( University of Oxford ) 192
Oxford Ion Trap Quantum Computing group ( University of Oxford ) 37
Oxford Robotics Institute ( University of Oxford ) 3
oxford-cs-deepnlp-2017 ( University of Oxford ) 5
patonlab ( CSU - Colorado State University ) 18
PeTeL Weizmann ( Weizmann Institute of Science ) 35
Py4Life - Python programming courses for biologists ( TAU - Tel Aviv University ) 5
Ramco-Insitute-of-Technology ( Ramco Institute of Technology ) 81
rice-eclipse ( Rice University ) 29
RIT Honors Tech Committee ( RIT - Rochester Institute of Technology ) 11
rit-csc ( RIT - Rochester Institute of Technology ) 11
RIT-EVT ( RIT - Rochester Institute of Technology ) 30
RITcraft ( RIT - Rochester Institute of Technology ) 7
RITIVCF ( RIT - Rochester Institute of Technology ) 4
RITJBF ( RIT - Rochester Institute of Technology ) 2
RITlug ( RIT - Rochester Institute of Technology ) 31
ritsec ( RIT - Rochester Institute of Technology ) 36
Ronen Talmon's Lab ( Technion ) 3
rutgers ( Rutgers University ) 37
rutgers-apl ( Rutgers University ) 22
Rutgers-CG ( Rutgers University ) 3
RutgersCodingBootcamp ( Rutgers University ) 0
RutgersRoboticsResearch ( Rutgers University ) 3
rutgerswiselab ( Rutgers University ) 3
Scalpel Lab - Technion ( Technion ) 0
Seneca - Centre for the Development of Open Technology 52
sisl ( Stanford University ) 245
SpiNNakerManchester ( The University of Manchester ) 79
SQC lab - Technion ( Technion ) 3
Stanford ( Stanford University ) 19
stanford-crfm ( Stanford University ) 17
stanford-futuredata ( Stanford University ) 71
Stanford-ILIAD ( Stanford University ) 51
stanford-iprl-lab ( Stanford University ) 21
stanford-mast ( Stanford University ) 18
Stanford-NavLab ( Stanford University ) 21
stanford-oval ( Stanford University ) 111
stanford-rc ( Stanford University ) 70
stanford-ssi ( Stanford University ) 146
StanfordAHA ( Stanford University ) 30
StanfordASL ( Stanford University ) 144
StanfordBioinformatics ( Stanford University ) 86
StanfordHCI ( Stanford University ) 87
stanfordio ( Stanford University ) 16
stanfordmlgroup ( Stanford University ) 43
StanfordMSL ( Stanford University ) 34
stanfordnlp ( Stanford University ) 50
stanfordnmbl ( Stanford University ) 38
stanfordpython ( Stanford University ) 11
stanfordroboticsclub ( Stanford University ) 83
StanfordRockPhysics ( Stanford University ) 17
StanfordSNR ( Stanford University ) 52
StanfordVL ( Stanford University ) 96
stenglein-lab ( CSU - Colorado State University ) 3
Student Organisation For Aerospace Research ( University of Calgary ) 39
Swarthmore ( Swarthmore College ) 72
SWAT SCCS ( Swarthmore College ) 26
sztaki Geocomp ( Sztaki - Institute for Computer Science and Control ) 3
Sztaki hu ( Sztaki - Institute for Computer Science and Control ) 2
Technion's CS AVR Lab ( Technion ) 2
The Australian National University Computer Science Students' Association ( Australian National University (ANU) ) 12
The Spoken Language Processing Research Lab (SLP-RL) ( Hebrew University in Jerusalem - HUJI ) 11
The University of Auckland ( University of Auckland ) 7
The University of Melbourne 21
the-cai-lab ( The University of Manchester ) 7
Tufts-Robotics-Club ( Tufts University ) 19
tuftsdatalab ( Tufts University ) 18
tuftsdev ( Tufts University ) 7
tuftsenigma ( Tufts University ) 23
Ubuntu CERN ( CERN - European Organization for Nuclear Research ) 3
UC Solar Car Team ( University of Calgary ) 61
UC-Berkeley-I-School ( UC Berkeley ) 46
ucalgary ilab ( University of Calgary ) 6
ucb-bar ( UC Berkeley ) 171
UCBioengineering ( University of Canterbury ) 3
ucbrise ( UC Berkeley ) 53
UCL INGI ( UClouvain ) 41
ucla ( UCLA ) 40
UCLA-StarAI ( UCLA ) 65
uclaacm ( UCLA ) 251
uclaml ( UCLA ) 3
uclastudentmedia ( UCLA ) 3
uclasystem ( UCLA ) 3
ULGameLab ( University of Louisiana ) 24
unicsmcr ( The University of Manchester ) 23
University of Calgary ( University of Calgary ) 42
University of Canterbury Computer Science Education Research ( University of Canterbury ) 31
University Of Northampton 3
University of Otago Information Science Database Papers ( University of Otago ) 0
University of Oxford Control Group ( University of Oxford ) 25
University of Waikato - Data Mining ( University of Waikato ) 79
University of Waikato - UFDL ( University of Waikato ) 51
uoe Agents ( The University of Edinburgh ) 46
UofC GDC ( University of Calgary ) 5
UoMMIB ( The University of Manchester ) 15
upenn ( University of Pennsylvania ) 34
upenn-cis5520 ( University of Pennsylvania ) 15
UPENNANALYTICS ( University of Pennsylvania ) 1
UT-Austin ( The University of Texas at Austin ) 1
UT-Austin-Bootcamp-Proj1-Group-D ( The University of Texas at Austin ) 2
UT-Austin-Data-Science-Group ( The University of Texas at Austin ) 6
UT-Austin-FIS ( The University of Texas at Austin ) 10
UT-Austin-Quantum-Collective ( The University of Texas at Austin ) 7
UT-Austin-RobIn ( The University of Texas at Austin ) 20
UT-Austin-RPL ( The University of Texas at Austin ) 30
UT-Austin-Senior-Design-D7 ( The University of Texas at Austin ) 4
UVA-High-Speed-Networks ( University of Virginia ) 20
uva-math ( University of Virginia ) 2
UVADS ( University of Virginia ) 35
uvarc ( University of Virginia ) 78
Victoria Engineering Club ( Victoria University of Wellington ) 9
Victoria University of Wellington ( Victoria University of Wellington ) 6
Weizmann Math ( Weizmann Institute of Science ) 3
Weizmann ML ( Weizmann Institute of Science ) 3
Weizmann Vision ( Weizmann Institute of Science ) 7
WIS-MICC-CellObservatory ( Weizmann Institute of Science ) 19
WMTU ( MTU - Michigan Tech ) 23
WSCU ( WSCU - Western State Colorado University ) 3
xavieruniv ( Xavier University of Louisiana ) 13
Xinglab ( University of Pennsylvania ) 32
